The school counselors offer personal and academic counseling for students and their families in individual, classroom, and small group settings. The dropout prevention specialist works with all school staff to identify “at-risk” students in our district and work to keep them in school and to graduate. Their work has paid off since Newton-Conover has had one of the lowest dropout rates in North Carolina for the past ten years.
As an integral component in our education system, school counselors provide developmental, comprehensive, and continuous programs of service for all students; from kindergarten through high school. The main focus is to ensure all students have the academic, career, and social development to navigate successfully into the increasingly complex and diverse world of the 21st Century.
In addition to counseling, Student Services offers in-school and community resources for students and their families including the Teen Up(self-esteem program) in middle and high school, Kintegra for individual therapeutic services, financial-aid programs for post–secondary education endeavors, as well as resources on conflict-resolution, anti-bullying, drug education, and violence prevention.
For more information regarding School Counseling at any of our schools, please visit their websites.
Discovery High School Counselor - Elizabeth Arditti
Newton-Conover Middle School Counselors - Katrina Palozzi and Zack Langley
Newton-Conover High School Counselors - Tammy Hayman, Jennifer Gamble
North Newton Elementary School Counselor - Monica Moser
Shuford Elementary School Counselor - Maggie Kincaid
South Newton Elementary School Counselor - Quintin Knight