Media Procedures for Schools

District Policy for Responding to Requests for Information from the Media
Please consult this information regarding requests for information. Should you have any questions regarding this policy, please call the office at 828.464.3191.
Newton-Conover City Schools seeks to maintain an open and positive working relationship with community media outlets and external media representatives. In N-CCS, we believe strongly in the power of telling our story utilizing the advantages of media in the digital age. Therefore, we are committed to ensuring that media and journalistic reporters receive the information that they need about our schools, in as timely a manner as possible, without disrupting academic and extracurricular programs.
Media representatives possess a limited right to be in Newton-Conover's public schools. Those rights do not permit representatives to interrupt classes, nor do they require any member of the N-CCS staff, parent, or student to speak with them. When entering the schools, media must check with the receptionists in the front office, as all parents and volunteers must also do. These are policies supported by the state of North Carolina that ensure the safety of children in our schools.
Should you be inquiring regarding matters related to specific students, matters related to police or legal action, or activities that have taken place off of campus grounds, your inquiries must always be referred to the Public Information Officer or the Superintendent.
All campus visitors require the permission of the Principal to enter the school; representatives from the Media must be escorted while on school property to ensure safety of students and reporters alike.
Media representatives may take "directory" photos of students, defined as photos containing five or more students.
Newton-Conover City Schools is under no legal obligation to disclose the names of the schools where specific students attend. This information, defined as any "personally identifiable information," is protected under the FERPA law and does not qualify as "public information." Generic information regarding enrollment that is not linked to any single student would be considered public information.
Parents, PTO and other group presidents or other representatives may also seek assistance from the N-CCS Office of Public Relations should they be asked questions by staff writers or mixed-media reporters that transcend their scope of expertise, or authority. Parents should feel comfortable asking the PIO to redirect the reporter to a staff member who can share more information or a larger scope on a particular scenario.