Happy Groundhog Day! What do you think.... early spring or longer winter?
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover City Schools
Ground Hog Day
Newton-Conover City Schools is excited to announce that students at Conover School, Shuford, North Newton, and South Newton will be able to receive meals at no charge beginning Thursday, February 1st through the remainder of the 23-24 school year! NCCS Board of Education voted to utilize the 'Community Eligibility Program' (CEP) for the listed schools for the remainder of the year, which is based on the percentage of students in the district that receive services through the state. This program requires approval on a year to year basis, and is not guaranteed each year. It is important that households continue to complete meal applications to ensure the district receives the maximum amount of necessary funding for Title I and school grants each year. Please visit our School Nutrition Department webpage to find more information.
about 1 year ago, Nancy Price
Lunch Tray
A dash provides a perfect underline to write words or phrases to indicate meaning or personal connection to the words being connected by the dash. In that dash, our staff find their connection to Newton-Conover City Schools. Susan Ramsey at Newton-Conover Middle School DASH is… "Making skilled jobs important again and helping kids find their niche." #whatdoesyourdashmean
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover City Schools
DISCOVERY HIGH SCHOOL will have an Open House for prospective rising 9th grade students and their parents on January 25, 2024 from 5:30 to 6:30 at the Discovery High School Gym located at 301 West 18th Street, Newton NC.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Shuford PTO Board Members recognized at the N-CCs Board of Education meeting for their work!
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Shuford PTO Board
Shuford Spelling Bee Winner Recognized at the N-CCS Board of Education Meeting.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Shuford Spelling Bee Winner
Shuford Elementary Flag Corp Recognized at the January 22 Board Meeting. Reid C.; Nathaniel C.; Cole F.; Saara W.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Shuford Flag Corp
Shuford Elementary Staff Members: Penelope Dillon, Macie Korn, Delona Balis, Holly Kaup, Mary Beth Starrs, and Cayley Rozzelle recognized by the N-CCS Board of Education for their contributions.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Shuford Elementart Staff
NCHS Band Director Andy Escamilla recognized by the N-CCS Board of Education for being Named Catawba Valley Band Director of Year!
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Andy Escamilla NCHS Band Director
Newton-Conover High School and Middle School All-County/All District Band Members Recognized along with the Award-Winning Newton-Conover High School Band was recognized at the January 22, 2024 Board Meeting.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Newton-Conover High School NJROTC Recognized for Competition Awards.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Award-Winning NCHS NJROTC.
NJROTC Color Guard Presents Colors at the January 22, 2024 Board Meeting. Left Rifle-Cadet Seaman Bowman; American Flag-Cadet Lieutenant Grade Gobble; State Flag-Cadet Petty Officer Second Class Unverferth; Right Rifle-Lieutenant Junior Grade Gobble.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
NJROTC Presents Colors 1-22-24
There is no school and all buildings are closed in observance of Martin Luther King Jr. Day. #whatdoesyourdashmean
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover City Schools
A dash provides a perfect underline to write words or phrases to indicate meaning or personal connection to the words being connected by the dash. In that dash, our staff find their connection to Newton-Conover City Schools. Rachel Isaac at Newton-Conover Middle School DASH is… "INSPIRE." #whatdoesyourdashmean
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover City Schools
Menus will be modified for Wednesday and Thursday, 1/10 & 1/11. The original menu for Tuesday and Wednesday will be pushed back one day each, with Thursdays original menu being removed.
about 1 year ago, Nancy Price
Newton-Conover City Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for students and staff for Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Again, Newton-Conover City Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for students and staff for Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Kid Connection will operate tomorrow on a 2-hour delay as well.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Two Hour Delay Announcement
Newton-Conover City Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for students and staff for Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Again, Newton-Conover City Schools will operate on a 2-hour delay for students and staff for Wednesday, January 10, 2024. Kid Connection will operate tomorrow on a 2-hour delay as well.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
Two Hour Delay Announcement
Nominate Someone who has been instrumental to the success of Newton-Conover City Schoools, who made a significant contribution to our district. More Information and Nomination Form is available here. N-CCS Red Blazer Awards 2024
about 1 year ago, John Robinson
2024 Red Blazer Awards
Happy National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day to our school resource officers and all law enforcement who help keep our students and staff safe. #whatdoesyourdashmean
about 1 year ago, Newton-Conover City Schools
Law Enforcement Day
In communication with Catawba County Emergency Management, the potential exists for high winds and heavy rain tomorrow. The projected wind speeds exceed the allowable limit for operating school buses carrying students. In preparation, Newton-Conover City Schools will operate via Remote Learning Day for Students for Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Again, Newton-Conover City Schools will operate via Remote Learning Day for Students for Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Kid Connection will open at 6 AM at North Newton Elementary School.
about 1 year ago, John Robinson