It's National Principal's Month. Please take a moment today and thank your school's principal. #FORGOOD
4 months ago, John Robinson
N-CCS celebrates National Instructional Coach Day 24-25
4 months ago, John Robinson
We celebrate all our Coaches on National Coaches Day. Let a coach know you appreciate their work today.
4 months ago, John Robinson
National Coaches Day 2024
4 months ago, John Robinson
Newton-Conover City Schools. #Forgood
4 months ago, John Robinson
N-CCS Students Volunteer
Attention parents of NC High School and Discovery High School students - For households that have not submitted a new application for the 24-25 school year, the carry over period for meal benefits from the 23-24 school year will expire on Tuesday, October 8th. If a new application has not been received for your household by October 8th, your student's meal benefits will be moved to a full pay status. High school receives breakfast at no charge daily under the universal breakfast program, and lunches cost $2.90 per day.
4 months ago, Nancy Price
Help with Hurricane Relief in Watauga County, NC.
4 months ago, John Robinson
Hurricane Relief
Today is "National Custodian Day!" Please take a moment and thank your school custodians for their dedication and hard work.
4 months ago, John Robinson
National Custodian Day 2024
NCCS School Nutrition is currently dealing with continuous outages on our food deliveries since the beginning of school. We are trying to navigate thses as best as possible by accepting substitution items when available, and making continual changes to our menus as needed, but still experiencing higher than normal issues. Menu changes may unfortunately become a regular occurance , as we are now dealing with impassable roadways, weather damage, and the uncertainty of deliveries from manufacturers reaching our distributors. In addition, Port strikes are now an added issue, with the potential for more item shortages. Please know that we will have food items available for students, but may not be items that we had originally menued.
4 months ago, Nancy Price
Food Delivery Truck
4 months ago, John Robinson
School Announcement
Newton-Conover City Schools will be CLOSED for students on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. Staff will observe an Optional Teacher Workday. Kid Connection will operate tomorrow from 8 am - 6:00 pm at North Newton Elementary for school-aged children only.
4 months ago, John Robinson
Newton-Conover City Schools will be CLOSED for students on Monday, September 30, 2024. Staff will observe an Optional Teacher Workday. Kid Connection will operate tomorrow from 8:00 am - 6:00 pm for school aged children only.
5 months ago, John Robinson
5 months ago, John Robinson
No School for Students 9-27-24
The Newton-Conover City Schools Board of Education and Principal Chris Penley recognized the contributions of Band Boosters Jimmy Burgess, Kelly Burgess, David Surridge, Stacie Surridge, Pierre Rheeder, Laurette Rheeder, Andrea Leisure, and Dalton Howard. Also recognized were Athletic Boosters Michael Lingle and Jennifer Lingle.
5 months ago, John Robinson
NCHS Band Boosters and Athletic Boosters Recognized at Board Meeting on September 16, 2024
The Newton-Conover City School Board of Education and Newton-Conover High School Principal Chris Penley recognized school staff members Matt Wilkinson, Mike Allen, Lucinda Robinson, and Julie Kisser at the September 16, 2024 Board Meeting.
5 months ago, John Robinson
NCHS Staff Recgonitions September 16, 2024
Newton-Conover High School NJROTC Presented the Colors at the September 16, 2024 Board of Education meeting. Presenting was Left Rifle-Cadet Chief Petty Officer Hefner; American Flag and Commanding-Cadet Petty Officer First Class Unverferth; State Flag-Cadet Chief Petty Officer Yang; Right Rifle-Cadet Lieutenant Gobble.
5 months ago, John Robinson
NCHS NJROTC Presentation of Colors at Board meeting September 16, 2024
Safety is the most important focus in our school system. Student learning is our purpose for existing as a school system but it can only occur in environments that are supportive and safe for students, staff, and visitors. Some of our neighboring districts received unfounded safety threats through social media this past week. It is important for our students in grades 4-12 to know that there is a mechanism for anonymous reporting of any safety concerns related to our schools. All 4th through 12th graders have direct access to the Say Something Anonymous Reporting System, through the App within M.A.P. giving them an anonymous way to report their concerns for safety of themselves or others. Ultimately, relationships and communication are the two greatest tools to help keep our schools and communities safe.
5 months ago, John Robinson
Results News! N-CCS Above State Average!
5 months ago, John Robinson
N-CCS Above State Average
Dr. Gabriel visited Shuford Elementary School yesterday afternoon to celebrate with the staff for exceeding growth for the 2023-24 school year. Our district had two schools that exceeded growth and Shuford Elementary School was one of them. School Academic Growth represents the academic progress of a student compared to the average progress of students across the state in a given grade and/or subject. When the state has compelling evidence that the students in a school are progressing far above the average, the school is exceeding expected growth. We are proud of the Shuford Elementary School staff, students, and community!
5 months ago, John Robinson
Shuford Celebration
Mrs. Brown and Dr. Gabriel visited South Newton Elementary yesterday afternoon to celebrate the school's academic achievements. We are so proud of their hard work! These are the joyful faces of South Newton Elementary School's faculty & staff (we're missing a few who were driving the bus or coaching after-school sports) after learning their 2024 NC Report Card Score. It has been arduous since entering "low-performing school" status in 2022. But, they moved a 46 Report Card Score to a 49 by the end of 2023. And, yesterday they learned they moved that 49 to a 59. Moving 10 points in one year on the NC Report Card score is an unprecedented feat . . . it does not happen as often as you would think. Their work has been tireless: interventions, remediations, lesson planning / instructional planning / PLC's, "heavy duty" observations, constant walkthroughs, piles of paperwork, and providing hours of emotional and behavioral support for our students. And, let's not forget the data -- they've collected it, analyzed it, and reflected upon it until they can talk about in their sleep. It is not work for the "weak of heart" -- only the strong survive something like this. And here they are! The joy on their faces speaks volumes, and we all know that our students have been awesome champions, accepting this motivation and pushing themselves to give their best effort. South Newton's 2024-25 school theme is "We're on the Right Track -- Stay Driven" and we're going to reach that checkered flag again this year with even more student growth! Thank you to our parents and community members for your ever-present support - we love you for helping us reach our goals!
5 months ago, John Robinson
South Newton Celebrates
Principal Elizabeth Mosely and Chief Academic Office Tammy Brown
Celebration of Achievement