N-CCS School Visitors & Safety Protocols
All visitors must identify themselves, show photo identification, and give the reason for their visit before being granted access to the building. If they do not have a photo ID, a school administrator or their designee should be advised and talk with the individual requesting access.
After being granted access, all visitors must sign in using the Ident-A-Kid software and show their photo identification again. Visitors must sign out before leaving.
All visitors will receive a visitor’s pass and lanyard when they sign in. They must return it to the office or sign-in desk when they leave. Please be sure the pass is visible while you are in the school or on school property.
For the safety of our students and staff, we will consider visitors who do not sign in and cannot show a visitor’s pass to be trespassing. A school staff member may ask them to leave the building and school property. Law enforcement may be involved as well.
Any staff expecting a visitor should notify the office with the individual’s name and reason for the visit.
Drop-off and pick-up procedures: Elementary parents must come in and sign in if they are dropping off late or picking up their student(s) early.
Parents are welcome to eat lunch with their child(ren) starting on Monday, September 12th. Parents will eat with their child(ren) on the stage in the lunch room. There is limited seating for lunch. Parents must check into and sign out of the office. Parents are not granted access to any part of the building except the cafeteria and designated restroom when they eat lunch with their child.